CCTG 595


CCTG 595 is a controlled, open-label, two-arm, randomized (1:1) clinical demonstration project to determine if the use of a text-message based adherence intervention (iTAB) improves retention and adherence to PrEP compared to standard of care (SoC) PrEP delivery.


Each subject will be followed for up to 48 weeks after enrollment of the last subject. The primary endpoint will be measured at 48 weeks.

Sample Size

A total of 398 individuals were randomized.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible subjects will include HIV-uninfected men who have sex with men (MSM) and male to female (M to F) transgender individuals who have sex with men at least 18 years of age and who have a recent history of high-risk transmission behavior.


The randomization will be stratified based on clinic site.


All subjects will start PrEP with TDF + FTC fixed dose combination given once daily. Subjects will be randomized (1:1) to either the iTAB text messaging adherence reminder intervention with SoC or the SoC alone arm. Subjects placed into the iTAB intervention arm will receive a personalized, automated texting system to maintain adherence and retention. Both groups will receive access to PrEP in accordance with standardized comprehensive methods of prescribing, risk reduction counseling, adherence counseling, and clinical assessments that include safety monitoring, as well as HIV and STD screening.


TDF 300 mg + FTC 200 mg fixed dose combination will be given orally once daily starting at the baseline visit (month 0) and continued throughout the study. 


The CCTG 595 primary outcome is defined as a composite endpoint of remaining on PrEP and having adherence > 90% over 48 weeks of follow-up. The adherence endpoint will be derived from the 4 day ACTG adherence assessment from each of the visits from week 4, 12, 24, 36, and 48. ‘Adherent’ will be defined as self-reported TDF/ FTC adherence of 90% or greater (at least 18 of 20 days). If a subject misses an adherence assessment within the window of a scheduled visit or discontinues study prior to week 48, then the missed visits will be counted no adherence for the time of that visit. All randomized subjects that were dispensed PrEP at baseline will be included in the modified intent-to-treat analysis.