PATH - Social Network HIV Testing


Convenience Sample.


Recruitment and enrollment for this demonstration project lasted approximately 18 months.

Sample Size

Approximately 750 subjects were enrolled in the Social Network Testing Program.

Eligibility Criteria

Seeds: Eligible subjects included individuals 18 and older with at least 1 male sex partner in the past 6 months who are willing to take an HIV test or known to be positive and have had one or more high-risk behaviors in the past 6 months.

Alters: Eligible subjects included HIV-uninfected individuals 18 and older recruited by seeds with at least 1 male sex partner in the past 6 months, willing to take an HIV test  and have had one or more high-risk behaviors in the past 6 months.


The Social Network Testing Project identified and recruited high risk individuals and their peers, who may not be tested through conventional HIV testing programs, through existing social and sexual networks.


To compare the effectiveness of a social network testing program with other targeted testing programs in identifying high-risk persons living with HIV/AIDS

To describe the demographics, HIV testing history, risk behaviors and health seeking behaviors of individuals presenting for social network testing

To describe seed and alter characteristics associated with higher HIV positivity among network associates

To describe the cost-effectiveness of social network testing program.